Boys from Syracuse
2013 October
Keep a look out for the ballet moment because if you go to see this show for one thing, go for this part. Mark Smith has really upped his game this time.”
- A Younger Theatre
“If you have seen any of my previous reviews at the Union Theatre, you would have noticed one peeve that kept cropping up was the fact that cast members did not have room to dance, but this was definitely not the case for The Boys From Syracuse. Not only did they have lots of empty space, but also they delivered big dance numbers that were so slick and fantastic that you could not help but watch in awe as they were being performed. Keep a look out for the ballet moment because if you go to see this show for one thing, go for this part. Mark Smith has really upped his game this time.”
- A Younger Theatre
“But no noses were broken at the performance I saw – and in fact, choreographer Mark Smith deserves credit for marshalling several excellent full-cast numbers around the tiny stage.”
- TimeOut
“Choreographer Mark Smith uses his signature humour along with the classical choreography that he does so well to bring life to the musical numbers, notably ‘Oh, Diogenes’ and the aforementioned ‘Sing for your Supper’.”
- Bargain Theatreland
“Mark Smith’s choreography is nothing short of incredible. I don't know how he has managed to put together routines which are suitable for both the size of the cast and space. The 'stage' is particularly small yet I didn't think the choreography felt at all squashed and somehow it was still quite a spectacle. I found the sequence which concludes the first act particularly transfixing. The cast’s execution was so elegant and effortless and almost left me in some sort of trance.”
- West-End Frame